During my reading of Veronica Scott's MISSION TO
MAHJUNDAR, it suddenly hit me how strongly the hero fits the "good
guy" mold. Mike is a Sectors Special Forces officer and he's really dedicated
to his job. He's a tough soldier, but has a heart of gold. He's also honorable
and protective. His mission is to save the heroine--and the day. Frankly, I
don't think he knows how to do things any other way!
On top of that, I realized I'd been reading about a
fair number of good guy heroes in science fiction romance. My reading
pattern can be quite random, so I'm not sure self-selectiveness is the entire
cause. I started to wonder if I'm seeing more good guy heroes in SFR lately or
if the genre simply lends itself to them more so than, say, paranormal
Here's a sampling of the books in which I encountered
them recently:
IN THE BLACK - Sheryl Nantus
SOLIA'S MOON - Lyn Brittan
AT STAR'S END - Anna Hackett
In terms of my overall reading experience with good
guy heroes, these books are just the tip of the iceberg.
What makes heroes like the ones from the above stories
stand out is that they're so nice and gentlemanly! They're considerate and even
nurturing. But don't let that fool you--these heroes sometimes have to use
extreme measures to help save the day/defeat the villain. One scene in MISSION
TO MAHJUNDAR had me going o_O because of how far Mike went to defend the
heroine. "Nice" or "good guy" definitely doesn't mean soft.
One thing I like about good guy heroes is they don't
represent a sexual threat to the heroine. They're a noticeably different breed from
their "villain
as hero" brethren. For one thing, they usually lack extreme angst and tortured
A heroine might be in danger from external threats,
but she never has to worry about the good guy hero taking advantage of her
sexually. Good guy heroes aren't usually the source of danger, whether it's
danger in the form of unrestrained passion or an untamed nature. I like not
having to worry about being triggered, especially if I don't know much about a
story's characters going in. No wonder my recent SFR reading has been so
That said, I still expect good guy heroes to possess
flaws and come into conflict with the heroines. SFR stories offer all sorts of
possibilities for interpersonal conflict--it doesn't always have to stem from a
hero or heroine's extraordinary nature. For example, the couple might disagree
about the best strategy during a space battle or who should take the lead heading
into the villain's lair.

Good guy heroes often have a strong sense of realism
about them. Many SFRs feature fantastical settings and technology, so a good
guy hero can be an anchor in such stories. The focus is on an ordinary man falling
in love in extraordinary circumstances. He's an emotionally steady rock in a raging
Another plus: heroines are often on an equal footing
with good guy heroes. The text is often noticeably absent of big neon signs pointing
to the hero as if to say "See how great this hero is? Don't you want to
fall in love with him? He's so hot…hot,
hot hot!" Even if an SFR hero is angst-filled because of a tragic past, if
he's a good guy hero at heart, he--and the subtext--treats the heroine as an equal (one example
of this: Jael from Ann Aguirre's HAVOC). I love that kind of characterization balance!
So that's my two cents about the appeal of good guy
heroes. Who are your favorite ones?
Joyfully yours,