Sunday, June 28, 2015



Life aboard The Galaxy Express has been a little quiet lately and my plan is to resume regular blogging soon. Real Life Stuff plus the start of summer vacation for my daughter has meant decreased computer time (all you parents out there know of what I speak!). That said, I've got quite a few items on tap.

TGE's July roundup will appear per the usual schedule. I've been working on posts for Heroes & Heartbreakers and other sites. In the coming weeks, you can look forward to a few author guest posts and showcases here. My TBR pile is deliciously big; I've been reading voraciously; and I can't wait to blog about my latest sci-fi romance adventures for you!

Another housekeeping issue of note: Sci-Fi Romance Quarterly #7 is ready to go, but will be slightly delayed while we attend to web site maintenance. Look for the next issue during the first week of July. In the meantime, follow SFRQ on Twitter (@SciFiRomance) for interesting SFR news as well as links to archived content.

Joyfully yours,