Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mind Meld Summons You—“What are the ‘Forgotten Books’ of science fiction/fantasy/horror?”

Welcome back, dear passengers! Chef is putting the final touches on a selection of mouth-watering brunch items over at the buffet. Help yourself to a mug of piping hot space java along with a succulently sweet bear claw—or two!

I’m happy to be a participant today in an intriguing Mind Meld post at SFSignal: What are the “Forgotten Books” of science fiction/fantasy/horror?.

I’m awed to be on a panel of immensely talented authors and editors, including one whose name is quite familiar to us all here aboard The Galaxy Express—Linnea Sinclair. I invite you to read everyone’s picks for “lost gems” that deserve a reprint in this pop culture of media tie-ins and endless vampire tomes.

My answer in particular serves as a precursor to future posts here about a show that had a major impact on me, one that forged my ongoing love of science fiction romance.

Stay tuned!

Joyfully yours,
