First, I’d like to express thanks to Monster Rally for linking to my DARK CITY piece. I couldn’t see any place to comment, which was a shame because I’m a big fan of BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA!
If you glance to the right-hand column, you’ll notice I added the following blogs recently: Jonathan McCalmont’s SF Diplomat (Science Fiction), Barbara Vey’s Beyond Her Book (Romance) and Dorchester’s Romantic Reads (For Writers).
I weigh in again as Grasping for the Wind posts another edition of “Ask The Blogger.” The current topic is Mapping SF&F. If you’re not a DORA THE EXPLORER fan, you will be after reading my answer. ;)
There's no time to waste: Get your groove on by plunging into Gemini Division (thanks to Angela James for the link. She provides a brief rundown of this hot new show in her blog post).
Cool blog alert: reviews Rowena Cherry’s latest release, KNIGHT’S FORK! Join me in a big hurrah for Ms. Cherry as INSUFFICIENT MATING MATERIAL "won the Romance Genre category of the 2008 Hollywood Book Festival."
Congratulations to Linnea Sinclair! From RWA’s Futuristic, Fantasy, & Paranormal Chapter:
SHADES OF DARK, by FF&P member Linnea Sinclair, is among the Top Staff Picks for August at PNR (the ParaNormal Romance review site). Reviewer Leslie Tramposch claims, “If you read one SF romance this year, make it SHADES OF DARK. And if you haven’t yet read GABRIEL'S GHOST run, don't walk, to the nearest bookstore and read it first.”

And mark your calendars (this announcement also from FF&P):
Join Sinclair for a discussion of Kick-Butt characters written by authors with a law-enforcement background (she was a PI for ten years) at the Romance Divas on Friday and Saturday, September 12-13 (free registration required). She will also guest blog for the Desert Isle Keepers on Monday September 22, 2008.
Now, here’s something to feed your fantasy lover fantasies: Lisa Paitz Spindler dishes On Geek And Alpha Heroes.
Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin’ Blog has a new look! SQT’s recent posts are super entertaining so go check ‘em out. (She’s also contributes to “Ask The Blogger.”)
Agent Colleen Lindsay pledges to answer your questions in Publicity & Marketing: what would you like to know?
I discovered a few more science fiction romance books in the pipeline! From the ever resourceful Karen Fox:
Jess Granger's CHAINS OF HONOR, a sexy futuristic romance about a hardened soldier on her final mission who rescues the a former sex slave hero from a deadly fate and their escape from behind enemy lines of an intergalactic war, to Leis Pederson at Berkley Sensation, in a nice deal ($1 - $49,000), for two books, by Laura Bradford at Bradford Literary Agency. - Publisher's Lunch 8/16/2008
Robin Owens's HEART CHANGE, the story of a commoner and a noblewoman; a man with little magic and a woman whose catalyst magic dramatically changes lives, and HEART JOURNEY, to Cindy Hwang at Berkley, in a nice deal )(1 - $49,000), in a three-book deal, by Deidre Knight at The Knight Agency (NA). - Publisher's Lunch 8/14/2008.
While you’re waiting for HEART CHANGE, you can read Robin Owens's newest release HEART FATE (she has an excerpt available through her Web site).

Aspiring SFR writers, if you’re planning to submit your work to Dorchester’s Shomi line, visit a new industry blog called Romantic Reads, helmed by Dorchester editor Leah Hultenschmidt. That’s where I found the following announcement:
Amy Rench - FALLEN ROGUE, a debut novel for the Shomi line about an Olympic swimmer whose athletic dreams are dashed when she's accidentally injected with a top-secret serum that suddenly gives her psi powers. Now the only man she can trust is the one who's been sent to eliminate her. Coming in Fall 2009.
Publisher’s Weekly reviewed Jordan Summers’ RED. She posted a copy here.
And how cool is this? Our own Frances Drake of Frances Writes is a judge for RWA’s Futuristic Fantasy and Paranormal Chapter “On the Far Side Contest,” one for unpublished writers. Congratulations, Frances! Score one for Science Fiction Romance!
Thanks to Beyond The Veil, you can check out this super list of Futuristic Romances Pre-2004!
I lurk at Ann Aguirre’s Yahoo group "Action and Attitude," so I’m passing on the link to a recent interview conducted by AztecLady. She & Ann Aguirre, the author of GRIMSPACE and WANDERLUST, dish on craft and her favorite Mexican dish.
And finally, Laurie of Spacefreighters’ Lounge presents a wicked fun post on Great Quotes From Sci-Fi. There’s also a follow up post that assembles all of our favorite Dialogue Excerpts From Sci-Fi.
Have fun!
Joyfully yours,