Since launching this blog, I’ve had all kinds of groovy encounters with science fiction romance. So I thought I’d end the year of 2008 with a few more, starting with the discovery of a pending otherworldly adventure….
Boy, does it ever pay off to read Romantic Times BOOKreviews because that’s where I discovered that Eos author Katherine Allred penned a science fiction romance titled CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, coming April 1, 2009!
Do your eyes a favor and click here to head on over and sample a free PDF excerpt. You'll start the new year off right!
More End of the '08 Tidbits Include:
* Jace Scribbles gives us an advanced review of Linnea Sinclair’s HOPE’S FOLLY. You can also view the book trailer there.
* In a Muy Special Book Review, The Book Smugglers reviews HOPE’S FOLLY.
* For all of you Kel-Paten fans, there’s a fun piece from Kate Garrabrant of She interviews author Linnea Sinclair as well.
* Here’s a great blog resource for new authors, courtesy of Fantasy Debut.
* Eye candy alert! Rowena Cherry presents her KNIGHT’S FORK trailer.
* Hot off the epress: Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc., just opened its doors. Gail Delaney is the Owner and Editor-in-Chief. Desert Breeze is seeking a variety of romance subgenres including SFR, and one selling point regarding submissions is that "...overly explicit love scenes are not necessary." The Web site also indicates a two-three week response time if a full manuscript is requested. Read more in the Submissions Guidelines.
* The epic adventure of Ethel the Space Pirate (courtesy of BEYOND THE RAIN author Jess Granger) continues in parts two and three!

* Found this thoughtful review of Susan Grant’s science fiction romance MOONSTRUCK at The Good, The Bad, and the Unread.
As for me, I’ve recounted the following cinema slugfests at
* Genre Films of 1982 vs. 2008 – Fight!
* Round Two: Genre Films of 1982 vs. 2008—The Heavyweights!
At Grasping for the Wind, you can read my answer in response to the latest “Inside the Blogosphere” question: Hardback, Trade, MMP, Audiobook or Ebook?
And finally, it’s time for a little action: Sex in space (thanks to SFSignal for link).
Have a safe and happy New Year!
Joyfully yours,