Greetings! I hear you're thinking of trying a sci-fi romance. That's great! I welcome you to this genre. It has plenty of stories to entertain you.
Let's briefly review some basic definitions (some of which may be unique to this blog--other readers' mileages may vary).
SFRs are romances in a technology-based setting and have an upbeat ending (HEA or HFN). Other than that, the genre encompasses a wide range of stories. Settings include but aren't limited to space opera, near-future, cyberpunk, steampunk, biopunk, and superhuman. Heat levels range from erotic SFR to "sweet."
You'll meet all kinds of heroes and heroines of various genders and orientations, from scientists to space pirates to airship captains to hackers to bounty hunters to superheroes. Some are People of Color while others have disabilities. You can read stories with lots of action-adventure as well as those that are more character-driven. Want tales with a gritty feel? SFR's got that. Is kink and capture romance more your style? Oh yeah, it's in there. Looking for some intellectual fun? A selection of books is waiting for you. Need tales with a lighthearted tone? SFR's got those, too.
If you're not sure where to start or if you're looking for a specific type of story, give me a holler or consult with SFR fans on your favorite social media site. We're happy to connect you with a story that's right for you.
These days, SFR is mostly written by women. That means books in this genre feature many types of science fictional elements (space ships! genetic engineering! wormholes! social sciences!) as well as explorations of themes related to courtship, sexuality, and gender roles. Focusing on the intersection of romance and technology is what makes sci-fi romance unique.

Perhaps SFR is your first introduction to any kind of science fiction whatsoever. Awesome! As you know, it's not necessary to have read any of the "classic" science fiction stories in order to enjoy SFR or even consider yourself a fan of SF. If you're in any way concerned about the learning curve, be concerned no more. SFR offers many stories with accessible science elements. Heck, a lot of it's easier to understand than some of today's current, real life technologies.
If you want to pursue some of the classics, great, but no pressure. Really. No matter what some people might say. It's not like you have to have seen any of Shakespeare's plays in order to enjoy current ones, right?
In fact, there are so many excellent SF/SFR books to choose from among today's offerings you'll be settled for years to come. Plus, many recent books are written by diverse types of authors, which increases the chances you'll be represented in stories. Regardless of genre, readers deserve books that are meaningful to them and reflective of their worlds and lives.
Thanks for giving SFR a try. I hope you enjoy your journey!
Joyfully yours,