Welcome back as The Galaxy Express continues its celebration of science fiction romance author Linnea Sinclair. Intrigue, romance, strange new worlds—everything and more you could want from an SFR.The Galaxy Express knows no bounds, so I’ve been able to collect a multitude of links about Linnea Sinclair and her work. Chef has laid out bottles of Ms. Sinclair’s favorite wine as well as a buffet of exotic fruit, aromatic cheeses, and chocolate treats while you peruse them, so dig in!
Linnea Sinclair is a regular contributor to the blog Alien Romances. There she discusses topics ranging from craft to the publishing biz. One interesting read is (Alien) Culture Club.
Next, check out the sizzling image and fun entries at Linnea Sinclair’s MySpace blog.
Meanwhile, Madge Baker from Sime~Gen conducted an extensive interview...
...and so did the team at The Book Smugglers who presented “A Long Weekend With Linnea Sinclair.” (Don’t forget to read the comments. Lots of great discussion there.)
No one knows how to throw a launch party like Kimber An. Here are two of the shindigs from Enduring Romance (and while you’re there, check out the reviews for Ms. Sinclair’s books):
SHADES OF DARK Cyber-Launch Book Party
THE DOWN HOME ZOMBIE BLUES Cyber-Launch Book Party.You can even listen to Linnea Sinclair’s 8/21/08 chat at Books Beyond The Boundaries Radio Show (And here I’d like to express my appreciation for Ms. Sinclair for her mention of The Galaxy Express). Do not miss this interview because there’s a very informative discussion about the creative process and the publishing industry as it relates to SFR.
For another profile visit: I Need My “Space” interview at ParanormalRomance.org.
But we can’t let Ms. Sinclair have all the fun! Click on the following links to read about the world’s #1 Bio-Cybe dishing about, well, himself in The Admiral Answers, Part I & Kel-Paten on the Hot Seat. (And some mischievous person had the audacity to ask if he wears boxers or briefs! Hmm, I wonder who that could be?)
Now back to the author! Ms. Sinclair speaks at A Romance Review.
Here’s a Q&A at AAR After Hours.
There’s even more: Interview at The Romance Studio.
In addition to Alien Romance, Linnea Sinclair blogs the second Monday of every month at the HEA Café.
After you beam back, sit back and enjoy this video interview, courtesy of Coffee With The Author (filmed at the Romantic Times Conference).
I also discovered news about an upcoming workshop (thanks to Sandy Wickersham-McWhorter for the alert):
Linnea Sinclair, RITA and 2007 PEARL Award Winning author published by Bantam Books, will be at the Mansfield-Richland County Public Library, 43 West Third, Mansfield, on August 30th from 2pm to 5pm. She will give a workshop titled Characterization: Making Strengths and Weaknesses Work For You (or No More Mary Sues!).

There’s no fee for the workshop, but a collection will be taken up to help defray her travel and copy expense. She’s a former news reporter and retired private detective who “yearned for more adventure than 'Hold the presses!' and stacks of case files can provide. The role of starship captain was my dream long before James T ever uttered Beam me up! Writing stories is my way of living that dream.” She lives in southwest Florida with her very patient husband and two spoiled cats. Her thoroughly entertaining website is www.linneasinclair.com.
All area writers are invited to attend this interesting workshop sponsored by the Mid-Ohio Writers Association. No registration is required.
What else can I add? Happy surfing, and stay tuned for a chance to win SHADES OF DARK--and enjoy an exclusive interview with the illustrious Ms. Sinclair--with our next voyage!
Joyfully yours,