To wrap up this week’s features on m/m SF, I’m presenting a healthy list of authors, books, publishers, and other related items for your current and future reference. Many of the links will take you directly to free short stories.
Respected, mainstream SFF authors who have included queer/ambiguous characters in relationship-strong stories:
Anne McCaffrey
Ursula K. LeGuin
Barry Lockyear
Samuel R. Delany
Melissa Scott
Elizabeth Bear
Sarah Monette
Partial list of authors writing m/m SF:
R. W. Day – A STRONG AND SUDDEN THAW (available from All Romance Ebooks)
Ginn Hale – “Feral Machines” in the Tangle XY anthology from Blind Eye Books)
Manna Francis - The Administration series (Casperian Books)
Jesse Hajicek – THE GOD EATERS (available at Amazon)
Ann Somerville – BOUND TO FALL (other work available at Samhain Publishing, PD Publishing, and the author’s Web site)
Lee Benoit - Servants of the Seasons series at Torquere Press
J. L. Langley – MY FAIR CAPTAIN and THE ENGLOR AFFAIR (Samhain Publishing)
Elizabeth Jewell – CRIMSON STAR (Changeling Press)
Jordan Castillo Price - PSYCOP series

Ezines featuring gay romantic SF content:
Strange Horizons (e.g., Mark Rudolph, “Going Once”)
Velvet Mafia (e.g., Drew Gummerson, “Good Grief”)
Shousetsu Bang*Bang (e.g., “This Side of Saturn” by Shinji Yuri)
Authors who regularly write gay male speculative fiction:
Chris Barzak
Steve Berman
Rick Bowes
Chaz Brenchley
Tom Cardamone
Jameson Currier
Samuel R. Delany
Hal Duncan
David Gerrold
Craig L. Gidney
Jim Grimsley
Joel Lane
Lee Thomas

Awards & Conventions
The two important awards for gay speculative fiction writers are the Lambda Literary Award for Best Fantasy/Horror/Science-Fiction and the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards. (Lesbian titles are included with both.)
Lambda Literary Awards
Lambda Sci-Fi Recommended Reading list
Also of great importance is Gaylaxicon, a traveling annual conference for LGBT fans of fantasy, horror, and SF movies, television, books and stories.
Years of networking between gay fans finally coalesced at the 1986 Worldcon into a plan of action. This led to the first Gaylaxicon science fiction convention, held in 1988, and subsequently to the creation of the Gaylactic Network and the Gaylactic Spectrum Awards by the science fiction community.
Thanks to all who visited, and to those who participated in the great discussion this week.
If anyone else is writing gay speculative fiction—especially with a romance—please tell us about your work in the comment section!
Joyfully yours,