The Wild West meets space adventure--Anitra Lynn McLeod’s Thief is rip-roaring, sexy fun!
—Susan Grant, New York Times bestselling author of The Last Warrior
Count me in! Anitra Lynn McLeod’s THIEF (Samhain Publishing) released in November, so I invited the author aboard to tell us more about her rip-roaring, sexy science fiction romance tale. In this book, you’ll find thieves and pleasure robots and salvage vessels, oh my! (To refresh your memory, click here for story blurb, and read an excerpt here.)
Now for the main course:
The Galaxy Express: Of all the niche subgenres in the universe, you chose to write THIEF, a science fiction romance. Tell us what inspired you to take such a risk.
Anitra Lynn McLeod: I was high on paint fumes, I think. :) Actually, I’ve always loved Susan Grant’s work. She incorporates romance, aviation, and space but I know very little about aviation; however, I do know a lot about space and the west. I am also a huge fan of Firefly, by Joss Whedon. Many reviewers are comparing Thief to that TV show, which is wonderful.
TGE: If you were sitting on an airplane next to a reader new to science fiction romance, how would you describe the story to her/him?
ALM: Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century meets the Wild, Wild West.
TGE: I’m entering your universe in THIEF for the first time. What are some basic travel tips I should know?
ALM: There are no clear rules about good and evil. For example, in the old TV westerns the bad guy always wore a black hat, which made him easy to spot and despise. On the Fringe, there are no easy black and white ways of determining who is good, and who is evil; there are many shades of gray.
TGE: Do any of the characters use fun gadgets?
ALM: There is a blend of very old technology, like an electric fence in one book, and very advanced technology, like pleasure robots. I don’t want to be more detailed than that. ;)
TGE: What can you tell us about the heat level in THIEF?
ALM: The sexual tension is very high as Jace has been celibate for a decade; however, there are only two sex scenes that are much softer than what I write for my Onic Empire series. The Onic Empire is erotic futuristic romance where the Fringe is sensual futuristic romance. Also, the Fringe series is strictly m/f with a HEA ending. Some of the planned books will have higher heat levels, but not anything near the erotic territory I will explore in the Onic Empire.
TGE: Silly question time: According to the blurb, the heroine’s name is Kraft. Does she know any kick-ass macaroni and cheese recipes?
ALM: Kraft would know how to make a mac and cheese dish that would give Gordon Ramsey an oral orgasm! ;) Actually, Kraft in German means power or strength. That is what she is named for, not the American food company, ya silly! :)
TGE: THIEF has an unusual yet striking cover, not only for Samhain, but also for science fiction romance in general. What do you hope readers will take away from the image?
AML: That Kanaxa is one of the most talented cover artists on the scene today! :) She did some bookmarks for me and again, she went outside the box. If people want one please send a regular sized SASE to me at:
Anitra Lynn McLeod
PO Box 16631
Salt Lake City UT 84116-0631
Even though the vision is hers, what I hope they see is the vast darkness of space and the lone man facing that emptiness with the most intense eyes. Yes, he’s a thief, but again, we go back to those shades of gray; Jace may be a thief, but he is an honorable thief. TGE: What can readers look forward to from you in the future? Where can they find you?
ALM: More insanity. I can’t do anything without having a giggle. What they can expect is two series running simultaneously. Here is the line up for the next year:
Thief, Fringe book one, 11/2/10
Sinful Harvest, Onic Empire book three, 1/25/11
Wicked Empress, Onic Empire book four, 3/1/11
Overlord, Fringe book two, 5/1/11
Dark Empress, Onic Empire book five, 09/06/11
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Thank you, Heather, for a fun interview!
Ms. McLeod, thanks so much for your time, and for your art.
Interested readers can peruse a review of THIEF at Bitten by Paranormal Romance. There’s also an interview with Anitra Lynn McLeod there and you can also read her guest post.
Happy reading!
Joyfully yours,