Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I haven't been bothering to check the nominee lists for any of the major SF awards. It's too much to hope for that judges would consider any science fiction romance titles. Well, now it seems I may have to check my cynicism at the door. Read on...
Via Ella Drake's post earlier today at CONTACT - Infinite Futures, we have wonderful news:
Have you seen the list of the 2010 Philip K Dick Award nominees?
Take a look! SONG OF SCARABAEUS by Sara Creasy (Eos) is SF with Romantic Elements! And it's nominated!
Recognition for Science Fiction with a touch of romance!
A hearty congratulations to Sara Creasy!
I read SONG OF SCARABAEUS and enjoyed it. The story is definitely romantic SF, but the author handled the romance so deftly I think this book holds appeal for romance readers looking to stretch their horizons. I have a blog post planned for SONG OF SCARABEAUS in the near future, so stay tuned.
Joyfully yours,