Don’t you wish you could travel back in time a la Bill & Ted?

I sure do. I’d really dig an opportunity to savor the spectacle of ancient Egypt, witness the birth of our planet, view the Industrial Revolution in action, or change the course of that one fashion gaffe—the time when I accidentally tucked part of my skirt into the back of my pantyhose after using the bathroom at work and didn’t discover it until well after I had already walked out to my car, driven across town, ambled down a neighborhood street, and hooked up with a girlfriend of mine and this hot guy....
Oh my...did I say that out loud?
*Cough*. Anyway, when it comes to time travel, H.G. Wells had nothing on science fiction romance (unless you count us all falling head over heels for hubba-hubba star Guy Pearce in 2002’s THE TIME MACHINE).

In the mood for some trippy time travel tales? Here’s a list to get you started:
TIME TRANSIT by Kay Austin
ONCE A PIRATE by Susan Grant
OUT OF TIME by Marilyn Campbell
WALKING ON THE MOON by Susan Sizemore
QUINN’S WAY by Rebecca Flanders
JANE’S WARLORD by Angela Knight
If cerebral is your favorite flavor, check out THE FOUNTAIN (admittedly, this film has different layers and ways you can interpret it). If you prefer a love story that is unabashedly full of heart, brew a nice pot of tea on a rainy Sunday afternoon and lose yourself in SOMEWHERE IN TIME.

And check this out: For your convenience and traveling pleasure, has compiled the Top 10 Ways To Time Travel!
Let’s break it down: Why is time travel so alluring? If you could travel through time, what go-go gadget would you use? Where/when would you travel to fall in love?
Joyfully yours,